Gregor Luštek, Rosana Hribar

May 18 at 12.00 am
Venue: Plesni Teater Ljubljana
Duration: 60 minutes

The choreographers Gregor Luštek and Rosana Hribar often work in tandem. Their duet, Ana Is the Name of the Rose, was one of the most beautiful lyric duets performed on the stage of Plesni teater. In their works, they strive for creativity itself; the subtitle they give the work is dance experiment. The dancers on the stage play with dance stereotypes, while at the same time trying to break out of them or deconstruct them. The piece contains a strong dose of humour, part of the “analysis” of itself and the state of dance. 

Gregor Luštek and Rosana Hribar are contemporary dancers and choreographers. They have performed in many dance and theatrical projects and they also work as educators. The work Dance Me Out, Please! was created in Serbia. Gregor Luštek and Rosana Hribar received first prize at the Festival of Ballet Miniatures and thus secured the production of the piece and its staging at the Belgrade summer festival BELEF.

Choreography: Rosana Hribar, Gregor Luštek
Performers: Rosana Hribar, Gregor Luštek, Kaja Janjić, Alja Kapun, Tina Mlekuš, Dejan Srhoj, Igor Sviderski
Dramaturgy: Jure Novak
Lighting Design: Davor Balent
Producer: Živa Brecelj
Production: Plesni Teater Ljubljana
Co-production: BELEF Centar, Serbia




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